General Hunt Information
To help you prepare for your hunt, here is some general information you will need to know.

Alaska Licensing
Any person hunting in Alaska must have a valid Alaska hunting license in addition to the proper tags for each species they intented to hunt. All of our hunts in Alaska are harvest ticket or registration hunts with the exception of our caribou hunt. That means licenses and tags can all be purchased over-the-counter. Big game locking tags are required to hunt brown/grizzly bear, black bear, caribou, moose, sheep, or wolverine. The caribou hunt is the only hunt we have that requires drawing a tag.
The application peiod for the caribou tag is November 1st - December 15th and draw results are posted in February.

For caribou, moose, and sheep hunts in the Alaska Range your hunt will start in Healy, AK. We suggest flying into Fairbanks and then renting a vehicle. It is about a 2 hour drive from Fairbanks to Healy. There are several options of hotels in Fairbanks and a few hotels in Healy. You will want to book your hotel room well in advance as they book fast this time of year.
For baited brown and black bear hunts you will fly into Anchoarge, AK and from there you can rent a car and drive about an hour north to Wasilla or we can pick you up for an additional fee.
We strongly encourage you to purchase trip insurance.

Arrivals & Departures
FOR BAITED BEAR HUNTS: We request that our guests arrive the morning their hunt is scheduled to start. You will then fly into camp and start hunting that evening. Plan to depart the day after your hunt is scheduled to end.
FOR ALL OTHER HUNTS: Please plan to arrive the day before your hunt is scheduled early in the morning so there is plenty of time to fly you out into the field. Plan to depart the day after your hunt is scheduled to end.